The Wilson's

The Wilson's

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Night Before He Was Born

As this night comes to a close, I find myself wondering what the night before Jesus was born was like for Mary and Joseph.

Imagine as they had finished their long journey and found that the only place they could stay was a stable.  I often wonder if they felt excitement at just having somewhere 'semi' private to have their child.  After a 19 mile trip by donkey, I am sure Mary was happy just to lie down.

As a husband who has had three kids, I must say my first one was difficult.  I 'knew' about the process, had doctors and more there to assist, but here was Joseph with no doctors, possibly no mid-wife, and not a clue on how to boil water.  To make it even more so, he was charged with helping to deliver the Son of God...  no pressure at all.

While we continue our traditions each year: baking cookies, Christmas Eve Service, the Christmas Story, and more, I try to remember how blessed we are.  It is not because of what we have, or where we live (even if all that is really a big blessing) but it is instead the fact that Jesus was born 2000+ years ago, lived a perfect life, gave up his life willing, and rose from the dead three days later, so that I might have Hope, Love, Joy and Peace all in Him!

- Shawn

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Finger Printing Day!

Well today was our day to go get our fingerprinting done!

It was not that much fun getting up at 4am so we could make the trek to Dallas and be there by 8am.  Now we did learn something that would have been helpful:

Our appointment time on our sheet said 8am, so we made sure to be there by 8am.  It turns out everyone has the same appointment time, and it is a first come first serve.  So really we could have arrived at 9am or so and been just fine.  While it is always better to be safe, that extra hour worth of sleep would have been nice :)

We are excited knowing another big step is down, and are anxiously waiting to get our papers back so we can proceed with the next!

All in His time of course, but we sure do like it when God has it planned for a quicker turn around :)

~ Shawn

Monday, December 21, 2009

~Picture from the train~

Another picture of the boys in Santa's workshop @ the North Pole of Texas.

North Pole of Texas

We took our boys to the North Pole of Texas and had a great night.

It is a free event that the owners of the land puts on. 

They have transformed their yard, built a bridge over a road (with permission from the county of course), and set up an amazing ride for kids and families.  There are lights, 'trains', hot chocolate and more that make for great memories.  The great part about this whole thing is that the family has TV's setup along the path and tell the story of Christ's birth and the importance of it.

Our boys loved it, and so did our friends that went with us.  It has become a family tradition we have done over the past few years.

So remember this Christmas to remember that it is all about Christ and his coming to Earth to save us!

- Shawn

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gingerbreadfest 2009

We had some fun this week with the boys doing a Gingerbread House.  They were excited and had a blast putting it together.  However, being boys, they got a little too rough with it, and we soon had a sun roof in our Gingerbread House.

One thing that makes me wonder is how the 'example' picture on the box was done.  I don't know if its really even possible to make it look like that with what they gave us. :)


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Meet the Wilson's

Well it is our first day of doing this blog.

      We are currently in the process of adopting our daughter from Rwanda.  Our eldest two boys refer to their sister as a 'girl' sister.  We are excited about how God is alowing us to grow our family through this adoption proccess.
     When Jennifer and I first started the dating process we talked about adopting.  Last year both of us felt that it was God's timing for us to start the process.  Currently we are scheduled for our FBI fingerprinting on Dec 22. 
     We have been praying for the day we hold our little girl, and our boys daily pray for their sister.  We hope that you will enjoy following our adventure through this blog.

In His Love,

The Wilson's